.. _api: API Documentation ================= The `Blockstream Esplora API `_ exposes multiple endpoints associated with the following resources: `Transactions `_, `Addresses `_, `Blocks `_, `Mempool `_, `Fee estimates `_ and `Issued assets `_. The Bloxplorer package contains wrapper classes around each of these resources. Every class provides all the necessary methods needed to interact with the specific resource in a simple and straightfoward manner. The Issued Assets property is present only in the Liquid Explorer. The explorers have a set of properties composed of the instantiation of the wrapper classes with the specific base url as follows: | Bitcoin Explorer: https://blockstream.info/api/ | Liquid Explorer: https://blockstream.info/liquid/api/ | Bitcoin Testnet Explorer: https://blockstream.info/testnet/api/ After you import an explorer, you can use the API by following this notation: >>> explorer.property.method(*args, **kwargs) Example: >>> bitcoin_explorer.blocks.get_blocks(start_height='587840') The set of properties available are : *addr*, *tx*, *blocks*, *fees*, *mempool*, *assets* All the available resource methods are documented below: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 api/addresses api/blocks api/transactions api/mempool api/fee_estimates api/issued_assets