2. API DocumentationΒΆ

The Blockstream Esplora API exposes multiple endpoints associated with the following resources: Transactions, Addresses, Blocks, Mempool, Fee estimates and Issued assets.

The Bloxplorer package contains wrapper classes around each of these resources. Every class provides all the necessary methods needed to interact with the specific resource in a simple and straightfoward manner. The Issued Assets property is present only in the Liquid Explorer.

The explorers have a set of properties composed of the instantiation of the wrapper classes with the specific base url as follows:

After you import an explorer, you can use the API by following this notation:

>>> explorer.property.method(*args, **kwargs)


>>> bitcoin_explorer.blocks.get_blocks(start_height='587840')

The set of properties available are : addr, tx, blocks, fees, mempool, assets

All the available resource methods are documented below: